Mural for the municipality TILBURG 2023 location: Statenlaan/Westerpark
Mural for Stadt.Wand.Kunst Mannheim 2023
Mural ALL-CAPS streetart festival 2023 Rotterdam
Boven op Zuid
Zuidplein Rotterdam: Shoppingmal roof. ROOFTOP painting by a lot of divers artists. Mostly working in the south area where this shopping mal is.Opened for visitors during one month in the summer 2023 Photo's: Daria Scagliola
I made this mural for an Open Call from BlindWallsGallery (8 people where selected, outof 114) in 2 days. Its on the wall spot in Breda on the northside of the city, where gentrification is running fast. (Paint and spraypaint because the weather turned rainy.) may...
Collision Project
Mural in Groothandelsgebouw Rotterdam COLLISIONPROJECT On the 8th floor with a beautiful view and acces to the roof Groothandelsgebouw in the center of Rotterdam next to the station. Groothandelsgebouw is a rijksmonument. Architects: H.A. Maaskant en Ir. W van Tijen....
The rug, leftcorner
This Mural is made in three days, for BIGart,and artfair that lasts five days. An artfair for art with large formats. Hembrug terrein Zaandam next to Amsterdam. In a Large industrial Hall. I made this for Murals Inc. gallery. The painting : 5m x 8 m .
One ColourChain Mural HiltonArtLab
One of two murals for Hilton-Art-Lab (Herman Lamers) Rotterdam
Hilton Art Lab
Mural Hilton ArtLab Rotterdam Groupsexhibition December 2020
Mural Piek Survey
Mural ± 300 x 350 cm Mural.inc.Gallery Piekstraat Rotterdam
Raamschilderingen E(rasmus)S(chool )of L(aw)
Titel: “So Weit Und Doch So Nah.”( ESL) De Raamschilderingen heb ik gemaakt voor de transformatie van de Rechtenfaculteit (Sandersbuilding) van de Erasmusuniversiteit (ESL). De schilderingen zitten verdeeld over 5 glaswanden. Bij de totale renovatie, herinrichting...
Muurschildering en situatie IJsselmonde Palliatieve zorg 2008
Muurschilderingen Arnhem nr.1
Reconstructie #1 400 x 220 muurschildering Arnhem Rijnstate Ziekenhuis, 2012 Urologie
Muurschilderingen Arnhem nr.2
Reconstructie #2 300 x 250 muurschildering Arnhem Rijnstate Ziekenhuis Kaakchirurgie
Muurschilderingen Arnhem nr.3
Reconstructie #3 400x 220 muurschildering Arnhem Rijnstate Ziekenhuis, 2012 Urologie